Dragon and Lion Dance for 2021.
Dragon and Lion Dance, our fancy tradition of starting a new Lunar Year in 2021~ ! ! 🎉🎉🎉 This year we move onward to a new phase of Bestboard®: our office moves to Taipei 101 Tower, once the tallest skyscraper in the world and now the tallest building in Taiwan, which is also the location of Bestboard®'s showroom and sales/marketing office. 🥇🏢 We welcome all our partners to visit us in Taipei CBD, let's rock Year of the Ox!!! 🐂⚡️🐂⚡️🐂⚡️
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About Bestboard®
Bestboard® is offering innovative technology to refine and modernize your conventional workplace, including meeting rooms, classrooms, laboratories and other workplaces. Bestboard® has empowered your digital workforce to connect, visualize and collaborate to create time-efficient collaboration among your remote teams.
Best Teamwork with Bestboard®.