Companies are looking to the post-Covid future. For many, the vision is a model that combines remote work and office time.
According to a BBC report, a survey in May showed that 55% of US workers want a mixture of home and office working. In the UK, employers expect the proportion of regular home workers to double, from 18% pre-pandemic to 37% post-pandemic. In China, employment expert Alicia Tung has predicted that in 10 years’ time, there will be a 60/40 split of onsite/remote work.
To meet this new trend and future, you’ll need to invest in technologies that enable this, such as communication tools and on-site video conferencing equipment. Decide whether you need new tools or if you can leverage existing ones in new ways.
And today, Bestboard® launches a new series of videoconferencing cameras for offices/studios and Work-From-Home prosumers.
Android AV Bar (€569,00)
USB AV Bar (€469,00)
PTZ Camera (€1079,00)
4K Camera (€149,00)
HD Camera (€59,00)
From September to October, we will offer a global free shipping service for Bestboard® AV Bar and PTZ camera products, so it's time to build your own dream desk and studio setup!
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About Bestboard®
Bestboard® is offering innovative technology to refine and modernize your conventional workplace, including meeting rooms, classrooms, laboratories and other workplaces. Bestboard® has empowered your digital workforce to connect, visualize and collaborate to create time-efficient collaboration among your remote teams.
Best Teamwork with Bestboard®.